
Welcome New CAPP Partner Symplectic!
Symplectic Grant Tracker delivers effective, impactful grants management for research funding organizations. With 15+ years of streamlining the management and administration of grant-making, Sympletic specializes in empowering mission-driven organizations to make strategic funding decisions.
Q. What do you love about grants management?
Having worked closely with dozens of grant funders, it is fascinating to see that no two funders follow the same process. Every funder is unique and requires a solution which can manage their own intricacies as well as allow flexibility across each of their different funding schemes.
Q. What would you like NGMA members to know about your company?
Symplectic Grant Tracker has always had close links with funders of medical and scientific research. From the first iteration designed over 15 years ago to the latest version this very day, the product has evolved with research funders at the forefront of our mind.
Q. What is a surprising fact about your company?
We are part of Digital Science, an umbrella company that invests in like-minded research technology platforms and services with the aim of supporting a trusted, frictionless, collaborative research ecosystem. That means we work together with other Digital Science portfolios such as Dimensions, Altmetric and Figshare to develop joint initiatives and integrations that support research funding and research performing organizations.
Q. How can NGMA members connect with you?
For more information on Symplectic, please visit our website.