About GMBoK©


GMBoK© Training: Grants Management Body of Knowledge (GMBoK©) Training provides an in-depth understanding of the full grants management lifecycle, from solicitation to application evaluation to the closeout and audit phases. It covers the laws, regulations, and policies affecting federal compliance while calling specific attention to recent changes affecting the administration of federal awards. NGMA offers three GMBoK© Trainings per year: one in-person training and two virtual trainings. Private virtual GMBoK© Trainings may be scheduled for groups of 25 or more.

The GMBoK Guide© is a foundational resource for grants management professionals at all career levels. Members have free access to a searchable online version of the GMBoK Guide©. A hard copy of the Guide is included with training registration. The GMBoK Guide© may also be purchased on its own. 


Upcoming GMBoK© Trainings

2025 Spring Virtual Training
May 13-14, 2025

Visit the GMBoK© Training page

Private virtual trainings are available
for groups of 25 or more.
Contact [email protected] for more information. 


GMBoK Guide© 

The GMBoK Guide© is a foundational resource for
all grants management professionals.
Produced and prepared by NGMA and 
The Bruman Group, PLLC, it is designed to
provide grants management professionals
with a comprehensive understanding of
the grant lifecycle from beginning to end to
help you navigate the field of grants management.

Learn more about the GMBoK Guide©

"Thank you again for sharing your grants management knowledge and experience with our team. Overwhelmingly, the response from our team has been positive. We attended several meetings last week where the training was brought up spontaneously by attendees who remarked on how much they had learned.
You did a great job! Thank you."

-Director, Grants Management
Office of Management and Budget


National Grants Management Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.