Leadership & Staff
Board of Directors
Scott Sheffler, Esq. President Partner, Feldesman Leifer LLP

Lashon Andrea Brown, CGMS Vice President Assistant Vice President, Grant Development and Compliance Valencia College - District Office
 Christian Jones Secretary
 Lori A. Beeler, CPA, CGMS Treasurer Director, GATU Governor's of Management and Budget, State of Illinois
 Rikitra Cephus, CGMS Member-at-Large Grants Training & Development Specialist Office of County Administration, Harris County (TX)
 Lisa Anderson Budget Analyst/Program Manager Maryland Department of Education
 Amy Bicek-Skog, CGMS Lead Grant Coordinator Minnesota Department of Health
 Divya K. Brown
 Catharine Fan Federal Coordinating Officer, FEMA
 Maria Howeth, CGMS Grants Accounting Manager Ascension Health
 Stacie Massey Deputy Director, Grants & Financial Reporting State of Ohio Office of Management and Budget
DeMakus Staton Chief Executive Officer D&G Associates Consulting Group LLC
Members of the NGMA Board of Directors serve in a personal capacity and do not act as representatives of their employer or agency.
Board Program Committee | Board Governance Committee | Board Finance Committee | Board Ethics Committee
NGMA Staff
 Tip Tucker Kendall, CAE Executive Director
 Allison Harris Training Development Coordinator
 nKelli Klepic Senior Manager, Education
 Alex Koroknay-Palicz Database and Membership Coordinator
 Elizabeth Vilky Director, Operations and Certification
 Noel Wall Director, Education and Events
 Andrea Yegros Manager, Marketing and Communications
 Sarah Youssef Operations and Certification Specialist
Board Program Committee | Board Governance Committee | Board Finance Committee | Board Ethics Committee
Board Program Committee
Overall Role - The Program Committee is responsible for advising the Executive Director and acting as a sounding board for existing and proposed programs.
Responsibilities - The specific responsibilities of the Program Committee include:
- Program Development
- Providing advice and feedback on new/proposed programs to the Executive Director.
- Reviewing annually the programmatic needs of the organization with the Executive Director for future planning purposes.
- Program Quality
- Providing advice and feedback on existing programs at the request of the Executive Director.
- Reviewing annual program evaluations and satisfaction surveys and providing feedback to the Executive Director. These reviews of the surveys would provide the background for any advice and feedback to the Executive Director. This may be in summary form with detailed information being requested from the Executive Director as deemed necessary for better understanding of the program and its particulars.
- Discussing with the Executive Director recommendations regarding program and service changes based on the evaluations and the changing needs of the organization.
- The role of the committee is to provide advice and feedback to the Executive Director, not to design the specific programs. Program design and execution will be carried out by the Executive Director and the NGMA staff with no direct intervention from the committee.
Meetings - The Committee will have interaction for the purpose of carrying out the goals and objectives established by the committee. Meetings will comprise at a minimum:
Quarterly meetings; and
Communication via virtual conferencing, telephone conferencing, email, or other arrangements agreed upon by committee members.
Meetings may also be convened at the request of the Executive Director to the Committee Chair when the Executive Director is looking for additional feedback and advice.
Rikitra Cephus, CGMS, Chair Lisa Anderson Divya Brown Maria Howeth, CGMS Stacie Massey Tip Tucker Kendall, CAE (ex-officio)
Board Governance Committee
Governance Committee Charter
Overall Role - Responsible for the structure, health and continuing functioning of the NGMA Board of Directors and for maintaining the Board and staff relationship.
Responsibilities - The specific responsibilities of the Governance Committee include:
- Board Appointments
- Ensure the Board reflects the needs of membership served and provides talents needed to accomplish the strategic plan. To do this, the committee may:
- Develop and recommend to the Board a statement of the experience and competencies currently needed on the Board, to be used as a guideline for recruitment and election of Board members.
- Creation of qualifications to run as a Board Director and/or Executive Officer.
- Evaluate the performance of individual Board members.
- Succession planning as needed for Officer or key Board positions.
- Board Development
- Recommend policies and processes designed to provide for effective and efficient governance, including but not limited to policies for:
- Evaluation of the Board.
- Election and re-election of Board Members.
- Board orientation and education.
- Succession planning for the Board Chair and other Board leaders.
- Board Governance
- Establish Board meeting frequency, communication standards and types of meetings required to meet annual objectives.
- Propose new tools, such as consent agendas and issue briefs, to improve Board efficiency and effectiveness.
- Review and recommend a position description detailing responsibilities of and expectations for Board Members and the President.
- Review the Association’s Bylaws at least annually and recommend necessary changes.
- Develop templates for and review all Board Standing Committee charters and action plans annually for consistency and alignment with the strategic plan.
- Advise on plans or needs for Board Member education, including new Board Member orientation, continuing education of Board Members, and an annual Board retreat.
- Establish and oversee a Board self-assessment and improvement process.
- Board and Staff Relationship
- Ensure regular updates and communication between Executive Director, Governance Committee and entire Board regarding progress toward organization priorities.
- Consult and provide guidance to Executive Director on establishment of organization’s operating policies and procedures.
- Create and review guidelines for Board/staff contact to ensure open communication and awareness of key activities.
- Ensure escalation policies and procedures are in place to receive and address concerns from staff, Executive Director or Board Members.
Meetings- The Committee will have interaction for the purpose of carrying out the goals and objectives established by the committee. Meetings will comprise at a minimum:
Quarterly meetings; and
Communication via virtual conferencing, telephone conferencing, email, or other arrangements agreed upon by committee members
Lashon Brown, CGMS, chair Amy Bicek-Skog, CGMS Divya Brown Christian Jones Tip Tucker Kendall, CAE (ex-officio)
Board Finance Committee
Overall Role - The Finance Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in ensuring the organization is in good fiscal health.
Responsibilities - The specific responsibilities of the Finance Committee include:
- Ensuring that accurate and complete financial records are maintained
- Monitoring income and expenditures against projections.
- Reviewing and recommending financial policies to the Board, including ensuring adequate internal controls and maintaining financial records in accordance with standard accounting practices.
- Ensuring that accurate, timely, and meaningful financial statements are prepared and presented to the Board
- Presenting financial statements at each Board meeting as deemed appropriate.
- Overseeing budget preparation and financial planning
- Proposing for Board approval a budget that reflects the organization’s goals and board policies.
- Ensuring that the budget accurately reflects the needs, expenses, and revenue of the organization.
- Safeguarding the organization’s assets
- Reviewing proposed new funding for ongoing financial implications, recommending approval or disapproval to the Board.
- Ensuring that the organization has the proper risk-management provisions in place.
- Helping the Board understand the organization’s financial affairs
- Ensuring that the Board is well informed about the Association’s finances.
- Educating the Board about financial matters.
- Ensuring compliance with federal, state, and other requirements related to the Association’s finances
- Ensuring that the Association maintains adequate insurance coverage.
- Ensuring that the IRS Form 990, other forms, and employment and other taxes required by government are filed completely, correctly, and on time.
Meetings - The Committee will have interaction for the purpose of carrying out the goals and objectives established by the committee. Meetings will comprise at a minimum:
Quarterly meetings; and
Communication via virtual conferencing, telephone conferencing, email, or other arrangements agreed upon by committee members
Lori Beeler, CPA, CGMS, Chair Amy Bicek-Skog, CGMS Lashon Brown, CGMS Catharine Fan DeMakus Staton Tip Tucker Kendall, CAE (ex-officio)
Board Ethics Committee Overall Role – The Ethics Committee shall review any matters of conflict of interest, or similar matters, that arise from time-to-time from Board activities or decisions and shall make recommendations regarding such matters to the full Board. Meetings – The Committee will have interaction for the purpose of carrying out the goals and objectives established by the committee and will meet on an as-needed basis. Members:
Christian Jones, Chair Joseph D'Alessandro, CGMS Divya Brown Lori Beeler, CPA, CGMS Stacie Massey Tip Tucker Kendall, CAE (ex-officio)