"Preparing for and obtaining the CGMS really put me through my paces! I believe it's made me a stronger internal resource for our team at work. I'm able to communicate effectively regarding the rules governing our federal awards, and research any questions my supervisor and coworkers have."
Beth Pfohl, MS, CGMS Cleveland, Ohio
CGMS Holders (listed alphabetically by last name)
Elizabeth Adams, Princeton University Nadine Addo, Georgetown Law George Addy, Environmental Justice Foundation Mandy Adkins, Deloitte & Touche LLP Suzanne Adkins, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine Hossana Agedew Redi, USAID Karen Agner, CommonSpirit Health Javed Ahmad, The Palladium Group LLC Linus Akanoh, Deloitte & Touche LLP Brenda Alford, Alliance for Nonprofits, Inc. Megan Allen, Real Grant Solutions Sheila Alvarez, SAB Consulting LLC Louise M. Amburgey, CMS/OAGM Denny Anderson, Harris Health System Kathy Anderson, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Stacey Anderson-Ebener, CohnReznick Lisa Andrew, Prevention First Mark Andrews, Prince George's County Public Schools Kristi Arnold, City of Loveland Prince Aryee, FEMA Angela Ash, Ash Consulting Solutions, LLC Julie Assel, Assel Grant Services MaryAnn Avendano, Workforce Connections
Patrick Ballinger, Pasco County BCC Pearl Bandringa, City of Wilmington Petra Bartella, Washoe County Melanie Bartlett, School District of Philadelphia Andrew Bates, Louisville Metro Government Mary Beaty, Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc. Aleisha Beckum, uProfyt Emily Beckham, North Central Texas Council of Governments - Transportation Lori Beeler, GATU, Governor's Office of Management and Budget Brook Belete, MWAA Ron Benedict, The Olson Group, Ltd. Jessica Bertram, United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. Jerry Bertrand, Public Impact Advisors LLC Amy Bicek-Skog, Minnesota Department of Health Elisa Bogdan, Rowan College at Burlington County Arlie Bonto, GTA TeleGuam Cynthia Branch, American Medical Association Verna Broomfield, City of Margate Lashon Brown, Valencia College Michael Brown, DHS/Federal Emergency Management Agency Tonia Brown-Kinzel, The Grant Plant, Inc. Kathy Brunot, University of Alabama Heather Brunton, West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance Patricia Buxton, Washoe County
Cara Cahoon, CHAS Health Kathryn Caler, NC Department of Health & Human Services Kathleen Calienes, Miami Cancer Institute, Baptist Health South Florida Alejandro Camporreale, Ad Astra Solutions, LLC Sharon Cargo, FEMA Emily Carmichael, NorthCare Charmaine Caros, King County Finance and Business Operations Division Cynthia Carpenter Lena Carstens, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. Erin Castleberry, Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District Linette Ceasar, Inova Health System Rikitra Cephus, CTC Technology & Energy Karen Clackum, CDC Robyne Clark, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Gifty Debora Cobblah, International Association of Firefighters Kieran Coe, Guidehouse Alan Conway, DOC/National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Lori Cooke, Washoe County Alena Cooper, National Safe Skies Alliance Inc Trina Cooper Brown, Project Evident/ Tides Center Bianca Costa Davis, US Department of Health & Human Services David Cowell, Yale University Loretta Cox, American National Red Cross Jon Crego, Columbus Public Health William Crosby, EisnerAmper
Joseph D'Alessandro, School District of Philadelphia Alexandra Kate Daniels, FEMA Region 6 Patrice Davis, Grants Works Stephanie Dean, Dean's Results, PLLC Tijuanna DeCoster, EPA Gwendolene Deskins, Prince Georges County Public Schools Wendy DeWell, Retired Kathy Dimopoulos, City of Wilmington Olga Dixon, DOC/National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Naisy Dolar, Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners Nancy Donsbach, Gulf of Maine Research Institute Elizabeth Dorton, South Carolina Department of Agriculture Susan Durham, Louisville Metro Government Kimberly Durkin, NIH/National Institutes of Child Health & Human Development
Rowan Eaves, Moss Adams, LLP Melissa Edgar, Chickasaw Nation Gabrielle Enfield, County of Washoe Stephanie Erickson, Helen Ross McNabb Center Jamie Ester, HORNE
Diane Fahr, Valencia College Theresa Falance Toni Faris, Public Strategies, Inc. Isabel Fernandez, ALL GRANTS Lana Fernandez-Alpizar, IL Department of Children and Family Services Jose Figueroa, ICF Veronica Fiocco, Witt O'Brien's Brette Fishman, Department of Treasury, Office of Recovery Programs Presepine Fleming, Inova Health System Linda Flickinger, Ohio Office of Budget and Management Kyle Fyock, Guidehouse Lance Foster, Small Business Administration Colleen Forrest, Railroad Commission of Texas Cheryl Fowler, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Arman Francis, U.S. Department of State Leslye Fulwider, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH) Jocelyn Fykes
Lisa Galloway, KPMG Vasanth Ganesan, Guidehouse Jessica Gardner, Innovative Emergency Management Jennifer Garrett, Weaver LuAnn Garza, University of New England Jace Gatzemeyer, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Carrie Gernhardt, Guidehouse Melissa Geronimo, Inova Health System Jenny Giang, Ernst & Young Keith Glidewell, Washoe County Kimberly Gooding, U.S. Department of State Bonnie Graham, The Bruman Group, PLLC Whitney Gray, Assel Grant Services Dan Green, Ohio EMA Willie Green, Institute of Community Services, Inc. Kevin Gregory, IntegrityM (Integrity Management Services, Inc.) Lori Guerrero, Metro
Anita Hairston, U.S. Department of Interior Shannon Halberstadt Matthew Hanson, Witt O'Brien's Samantha Harmon, Najit Technologies, Inc. Robert Harris, Organizational Development Grant Solutions Matthew Harvey, USDA/FPAC-BC Becky Heisinger, South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations Paula Heller, Hillsborough Community College Tiffani Herendeen, Guidehouse Cassandra Henry, FEMA Betsy Hernandez, FEMA Amy Hewett, City of Cleveland Vicki Hiestand, The Center for Rural Development Dorothy Hines, Bureau of Reclamation Dustin Hinkel, Guidehouse Judy Hoanshelt, City of Miami Beach George Hogan III, FEMA Shelby Holman, Southern Imaginations, LLC Daniel Holtz, AmpliFund / StreamLink Software Karel Homrig, Prevention First Regina Hopkins, Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO), City of Wilmington, NC Kimberly House, City of Houston Maria Howeth, Ascension Health Laurie Hyde, Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District
Kristine Inman, Southcentral Foundation
Lindsey Jackson, FORVIS, LLP Andrew Janos, Fairfax County Department of Procurement and Material Management Grants and Sponsored Programs Division Erica Jefferies, Hillsborough County-Criminal Justice and Grants Management Kathleen Jewett, NOAA-Northwest Fisheries Science Center Ambrie Johnson, Chickasaw Nation Dawna Johnson, State of Florida Tanya Johnson, Cherokee Nation Staci Jones, Guidehouse Deirdre Joseph, City of Tampa Police Emily Judice-Hodges, Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office Michelle Juliani, CohnReznick
Charles Kabanda, Infectious Diseases Institute Michael Keegan, U.S. Agency for International Development Lynne Kelleher, Court of Appeals DBA Administrative Office of the Courts Tiffany Kesslar, The Bruman Group, PLLC Melanie Kielich, St. Petersburg College Katie Kirstein, Guidehouse Lorna Kivlehan, U.S. Department of State, RM Bureau Office of DCFO Kathleen Kizior, Cherry Bekaert Jennifer Knecht, FEMA Benjamin Kofi Quansah, Deloitte Ghana Yelena Kogay, Freedom House, Inc. Carol Kraus Susan Kuhn, West Virginia Public Service Commission
Dana Lagarde, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Natalie Lambert, State of Illinois Heather Larson, Sarasota County Government Lance Laurier, CHAS Health Chris Lawson, Lane Gorman Trubitt Sarah Legner, HORNE LLP Deb Lemke, Children’s Wisconsin Jessie Lemos, J.M. Lemos Consulting LLC Lisa Lewis, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Debra Littlejohn, Gaston County Kara Lorduy, CHST Constance Lucido, Washoe County, Nevada
Emily Magyar, Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners -Parks & Conservations Resources Department Laura Mahoney, DOT/Federal Railroad Administration Carla Makinen, Worcester County Public Schools Cerina Mariano, Pacific Island Health Officers’ Assoc. Jasmine Markanday, PKS Grants & Accounting Solutions, LLC Nick Marsters, Illinois Department of Human Services Pilar Martinez, AmpliFund Barbara Maskell, National Fire Protection Association Cody Mattison Clarisse Mayuga, Guidehouse Shelia McCartney, FEMA Eloise McClinton, Institute of Community Services, Inc. Glenn McCormick David McCoy, FEMA Region 6 Beverly McFarlin, City of Houston Jim McKay, Blake Willson Group Lynn McKiernan Ngari, King County Regina G. Meza Jimenez, Chicago Department of Public Health Henna Michalek, The Scripps Research Institute Lynn Miller, Retired Teresa Mitsch, The Water Research Foundation Jim Modrick, National Park Service, American Battlefield Protection Program Christian Montz Laurie Moore, ThedaCare Gloria Moreno, City of Houston, Finance Department Leia Morgan, CommonSpirit Health Lori Morgan, Beaverton School District Jon Muckey, U.S. Department of Energy Teshome Muleta, Action Against Hunger USA Shannon Mulkey, REI Oklahoma Julie Murdock, FORVIS
Paula Naughton, Minnesota Department of Health Jillian Neimeister, AmpliFund Emy Neuman-Javornik, Emy Neuman-Javornik PLLC Kasie Nichols, Citizen Potawatomi Nation Lisa Nine, FEMA Stacey Norman, Federal Emergency Management Agency Cherie Norris, Attorney General's Office State of Washington Geoffrey Ntosi, CMS/OAGM Rachael Nygaard, Buncombe County Government
Anna O'Connell, GATU, Governor's Office of Management and Budget Merril Oliver, Merril Oliver Consulting LLC Parwiz Osmani, Disabled Veterans National Foundation Akin Oyekan, Booz Allen Hamilton
Lorie Palm, Montana DNRC Karen Parker, Washtenaw Community College Debbie Parks, Ozarks Transportation Organization Marie Paul, Broward County Government Brian Perez Michelle Peterson, USCCB Beth Pfohl, ADAMHSCC Carson Phillips, CohnReznick Karen Phillips, Restore Hope Dora Pleasant, IEM Denise Powell, Nemours Foundation McKinley Posely, USDA/Foreign Agriculture Service Maurice Preston, Guidehouse Federal
Renea Ramos, FEMA Brent Ramsey, SCORE Brenda Ramsey-Boone, DC Department of Health Delene Rawls, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Adela Rexhepaj, NEW Solutions Kurt Reynolds, Center for Disease Control Henristra Richburg-Wilson Danielle Ritter, Chickasaw Nation Jennifer Roberts, National Safe Skies Alliance, Inc. Wanda I. Rodriguez Torres, Consultant Victoria Rojas, City of Miami Abby Rollins, CohnReznick Eric Russell Sarah Ryman, Ernst & Young
Sayed Wahidullah Sadat, Doctors of the World USA Terri Saltzman, Polk County BoCC Catherine Schumer, DHS - FEMA Joan Webb Scornaienchi, HC DrugFree Zelalem Segano, University of Colorado Andrea Selmon, FEMA Region 6 Joselle Shea, Booz Allen Hamilton Rebecca Silva, Falcón, Sánchez & Associates, PSC Joseph Simon, Deloitte & Touche LLP Praveen Singhal, Simple Solution Beverly Smith, Reinhardt University Tammy Smith, Peninsula Fiber Network Sandy Smolnicky, Pueo Business Solutions Katie Southard, American Heart Association Steven Spillan, The Bruman Group, PLLC Lakeisa Joiner Stinson, Prince George's County Public School Strategic Planning & Resource Management Office David Stockhoff, Pueo Business Solutions Sally Stopher, City of Philadelphia Kim Swain, FORVIS, LLP Scott Sweatman, NEW Solutions Carrie Swisher, Johnson County Sheriff Fazal Syed, City of Houston Kenneth Sylvester, Environmental Protection Agency Linda Szwankowski, Bensenville Elementary School District 2
Zchalyn Tandoc, Guam Department of Education Claire Taylor, Prince George's County Public Schools Arisa Teasley, MCI Group | USA Pamela Tedesco, National Black Business Support Corporation Sherrie Thomas, Region 5 Education Service Center Stacy Thomas, Louisiana Supreme Court Shayna Thompson, Guidehouse, LLP Tim Thorson, Thorson Development Consulting Michelina Thornton, Newark Board of Education Rosalie Tomlinson, International Association of Fire Fighters Nathaniel Trombley, ICF
Heather Uhi, Idaho Department of Labor/Serve Idaho Sandra Urban, Witt O'Brien's
Anna Valdez, Witt O'Brien's Quashaun Vallery, MCE Will vanWisse, Jr., State of Maryland-Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth & Victim Services, Governor's Coordinating Offices Carter Vick, Corgwn Consulting, LLC Lucinda Vigil, FORVIS, LLP Debra Vizina, Wyoming Department of Health Lydia-Angela Vollmann
Melanie Wade, International Association of Chiefs of Police Karen Wainscott, Community Centric Development (Greeley, CO) Sean Walker, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Darren Wallace, Dept. of Treasury, Office of Recovery Programs Claire Walter, Guidehouse Robyn Webb, Coppell ISD Abigail Wheeler, Elko County Mary Jean White, MJ White Consulting Phyllis Shari White, Southern MS Planning and Development District Leana Marie Willess, Guam Department of Education Tabitha Wilson Forde, Center for International Private Enterprise Jennifer Winfrey, Southern Plains Tribal Health Board Crystal Wolf, Guidehouse Joseph Wolfe, Washington State Arts Commission Kailee Wolterstorff, Witt O'Brien's Tammy Woodhams, National Criminal Justice Association Meskerem Workalemahu, National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Inc.
Cheery Fe Yeban, University of Washington Shelly Youso, University of Minnesota, Medical School Lily Yu, University of Kansas Medical Center
Timothy Zapata, FEMA Jennifer Zarek, AmpliFund Angela Zatlin, CohnReznick Alexandra Ellen Zigenfus, CSA Consulting Group LLC Wina Zorro, Aurora Research Institute
“During previous NGMA conferences, grant professionals spoke highly about the opportunity, which inspired me to grow in my profession and obtain the certification when the new exam became available…. It is my hope that having knowledge of the federal regulations will allow me to be a better resource for the grants department and the district as a whole.” (Pasadena ISD’s Stewart earns prestigious grant certification)
- Rikitra Cephus, CGMS