NGMA Welcomes New Capp Partner HORNE
Keeping track of the current regulations and policies that govern federal grant money can be a full-time job. The HORNE team is robust and comprised of subject matter experts with a wide range of expertise and skillsets including lawyers, data scientists, CPAs, PMPs, CGMS holders, data engineers, former procurement officers, and other grants management specialists. The team encompasses a breadth of proficiencies and expertise to ensure successful program operation and deployment of resources to assist with managing funds and overall compliance issues.
Q: What do you love about grants management? HORNE’s core mission is to create value and make a difference in the communities we serve. We are devoted to enhancing the lives of those who live in the communities and states we serve. We understand the significant difference that grant funding can make for individuals and communities alike. Knowing that our collective efforts contribute to improving the lives of thousands we may never meet fuels our dedication to our work.
Q: What would you like NGMA members to know about your company? The HORNE team is robust and comprised of subject matter experts with a wide range of expertise and skillsets including lawyers, data scientists, CPAs, PMPs, CGMS holders, data engineers, former procurement officers, and other grants management specialists. To date, HORNE has administered, overseen, and/or monitored over $120 billion in federally funded programs across 31 states and territories with zero significant findings.
Q: What is a surprising fact about your company? HORNE was founded as a Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm 61 years ago in Laurel, Mississippi. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the largest natural disaster to hit the Mississippi gulf coast, HORNE sprang into action and quickly evolved, adapted, and expanded its services to include providing critical professional services to local and state governments and state agencies seeking federal funds to respond to the devastating effects of this storm. HORNE has grown from a sole proprietorship to having over 1,900 team members, 37 stateside offices and additional offices in Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
Q: How can NGMA members connect with you?
For more information about HORNE, visit our website.