Board Applications and Elections

NGMA Board Elections Process

Eligibility  |  Requirements  Application  Timeline  Eligible Voters 

Each year, the NGMA Board of Directors application and elections process seeks to recruit individuals with diverse backgrounds, skillsets, knowledge and a commitment to serve the Association at its highest level.


1.    Have been an active member of NGMA for at least two years prior to the election;
2.    Be a member in good standing;  
3.    Be able to fulfill the full three-year term;  
4.    Agree to the terms as outlined in the Board Member responsibilities listed below; and
5.    Remain an active Association member in good standing throughout your term as a Board Member.

Requirements to Serve

Be an active member of the Board. All members of the Board must be elected by the members of the Association by a simple majority vote for a three-year term.

An “active” Board Member is expected to:

Attend Board Meetings  

1.    There are 10-12 remote Board meetings per year.
2.    The Board holds 1-3 in-person meetings a year, and members are reimbursed for their travel.

Prepare for Board Meetings

1.    This includes reading documents as necessary prior to the Board meetings in order to participate and vote.
2.    Proxy voting is not permitted.

Allocate Sufficient Time to Serve

1.    Board Members are estimated to spend no more than 8 hours per month on NGMA
        activities including projects for their selected Board Committee.

Board Committee Expectations:

1.    Board Committees meet remotely 8-12 times per year (more often for Executive Committee members).
2.    Meetings are scheduled by individual committees based on project needs.


1.    Sign the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality form annually and prior to a new member’s first Board meeting.

Requirements to Serve as an Executive Officer

The Executive Officers include the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and member-at-large (ex-officio). Executive Officers are elected by the current Board of Directors by a simple majority vote for a two-year term. To be eligible to run as an Executive Officer, the member must:

1.    Be a current Board Member,
2.    Be able to fulfill the two-year term,
3.    Have at least two years left on the six-year maximum term limit, and
4.    Agree to serve and attend Executive Committee meetings in addition to the listed Board requirements and responsibilities.
  • President - The president is also known as the Chair of the Board of the Association. The President presides over meetings of the Board, serves as an ex-officio member of all standing committees and performs such other duties as the Board may direct.
  • Vice-President - The vice-president shall exercise the duties of the President in the absence of that Executive Officer and performs such other duties as the Board may direct.
  • Secretary - The secretary provides the Executive Director copies of documents, including but not limited to the Bylaws, meeting minutes of the Board, Executive committee meetings and retreats, reports, statements of other documents as required by the Association and the Bylaws. The Secretary is also responsible for such other duties as the Board may direct.
  • Treasurer -  The treasurer maintains and provides the Executive Director with ledgers and account books of the Association that accurately reflect its financial condition, maintains one or more bank accounts in the name of the Association, as approved by the Board, prepares financial reports and ensures the budget is prepared and presented to the Board in a timely manner. The Treasurer is also responsible for such other duties as the Board may direct.
  • Member-at-Large - The member-at-large officer is an ex-officio member of the Executive Board; however, if there is a vote of the Executive Committee that results in a tie, the Member at Large is permitted to vote on that issue. The Member at Large generally represents the interests of the other Board Members and the Membership during Executive Board meetings.  

Application Process

Applicants must fulfill the eligibility requirements listed above and must submit the following documents during the Call for Applications time period (see timeline below).

Application Package
  • Board of Directors Application Form
  • Resume
  • Photo (high-resolution professional photo)

The Nomination and Elections Subcommittee (NES) of the Board of Directors  will review all nominations and determine the final slate of candidates. Candidates may be asked for additional documentation and/or to participate in an interview process. 

The NES is composed of a mixture of representatives from the NGMA Board of Directors and general members. It is charged with developing a recruitment plan and profile for each election cycle, soliciting and reviewing nominations, vetting candidates and determining the final slate of candidates (no more than three per open seat).

This year, the Board is seeking strong candidates with one or more of the below experience or skills:

  • Representative from local government (city, county or municipal) or nonprofit sectors
  • Background in accounting (especially CPAs) or law (attorney or other experienced legal professional)
  • Experience on a nonprofit board of directors



November 5, 2024 Application period open to members
December 18, 2024 Application period closes at midnight EST
December 19, 2024 - January 29, 2025 Review of applications and determination of election slate
January 31, 2025 Member voting opens online
March 4, 2025 Member voting closes at midnight EST
March 2025 Election results reported at membership meeting during Annual Grants Training
May 1, 2025
Newly-elected directors take office

Eligible Voters

Each individual member shall have one vote on matters submitted to the members (voting by proxy and cumulative voting are prohibited). Individual members shall vote for candidates for the Board and such other matters as delegated to the member by the Board. Any members that join as part of a “group” membership are considered individual members.

 If you have any questions about the process or the materials to be submitted, contact NGMA at [email protected].